Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Successful Adventures

Anna is having great success in the potty training world! She hasn't had any accidents in probably about a week and a couple days. And she is now going #1 and #2 on the potty with no trouble at all. For people out there who aren't mother's, they may not understand how much of an accomplishment this is for a child! And for a mother! So WAY TO GO ANNA!!

Another success that I am having is with my diet that I'm on. All I'm really doing is watching my calories and controlling my portion size using . It has been helping me a lot! I have been on this diet for just 1 day shy of a week and I have already lost 4 pounds!! That is a great success for me! So here's hoping the next couple weeks will be just as successful!!

Blessing #16- I have been blessed with a healthy body.

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