Thursday, September 27, 2012

Surprise Anniversary Trip and Weight Adventures!

On Sunday, September 30, 2012, Mark and I will be married for 7 YEARS!!! I can't believe it has been 7 years already. Time is whizzing by. I bet if I blink I'll be a Grandmother! To celebrate our anniversary, Mark is taking me on a weekend get away. I'm not sure where though, he won't tell me. But I am really excited. I do have a slight hint to where we are goingfor dinner tomorrow. All he told me is to where a dress. So I know the place is nice!  I will definitely have to dish on the details once we get back home. 7 Here's to the rest of eternity with you baby!!!!

Also on a side note, I have now lost 11 lbs!!! I am so excited. When I first started this diet I was a little skeptical because I never thought I could stick to it, but it has actually been easy!!! 

Blessing #24- I have an amazing husband who is hard working and also romantic!!!
Blessing #25-My husband has a job that helps provide for our family!!!

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