Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Sweet Anniversary Adventure

Let me just say...HAPPY 7TH ANNIVERSARY DEAR SWEET HUSBAND OF MINE!!! I love you and you know it! I have the best husband in the world!!!.


Friday afternoon Mark and I dropped Anna and Lyla off at their Aunt Shell's house (Mark's sister). Anna and her cousin Lana apparently had a fantastic time and they were sad to leave each other today when we picked them up! Anyway, after we dropped them off, Mark drove us into Atlanta and we visited the Liahona  bookstore (an LDS bookstore) and the LDS Atlanta Temple. We walked around and I took pictures.

  Then we had to drive into Atlanta, the whole time Mark is not telling me where we are going to eat for dinner. All I know is that the reservations were for 7:30 pm and we were cutting it close! So we are driving and BAM! The Westin hotel is right in front of me. We ride the elevator to the top floor and lo and behold Mark got us reservations at the Sundial restaurant. For those of you that have never been, it is a restaurant that is slowly turning so you can see all of Atlanta!!! It was so amazing!

Mark's appetizer was roasted duck and mine was shrimp and cauliflower. The funny thing that happened is that Mark didn't know that his roasted duck came with a reduction sauce made from port!!! He asked me to taste it and and I was like "WHEW! that is alcohol!!!!" 

 Mark's main dish was lamb chops and beans. I had a taste and they were yummy!!! My main dish was
broccoli wrapped in lobster. It was pretty good!

Then we stayed at the Hilton Hotel in Marietta. The next morning we drove up to Helen, GA and walked around with all the drunk people smoking cigarettes who were there for Oktoberfest. lol. We got some yummy ice cream and then went to my favorite place up there... Hansel and Gretel's Candy kitchen. We bought 6 different types of fudge! Mark got walnut and pecan and together we chose caramel, peanut butter, mint swirl, and apple pie fudge!! They were delicious!!!! Then on our way to the hotel we stopped off at a road side store and bought some apple cider and some muscadine cider. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm looking forward to it. (let's just say my diet is taking a break this weekend!!!)

Of course I had to post a picture of one of the carriage horses we saw in Helen. I couldn't help myself!!! All in all it was a wonderful anniversary trip and some much needed relaxation time!!! Thank you sweetheart for the wonderful surprises!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Surprise Anniversary Trip and Weight Adventures!

On Sunday, September 30, 2012, Mark and I will be married for 7 YEARS!!! I can't believe it has been 7 years already. Time is whizzing by. I bet if I blink I'll be a Grandmother! To celebrate our anniversary, Mark is taking me on a weekend get away. I'm not sure where though, he won't tell me. But I am really excited. I do have a slight hint to where we are goingfor dinner tomorrow. All he told me is to where a dress. So I know the place is nice!  I will definitely have to dish on the details once we get back home. 7 Here's to the rest of eternity with you baby!!!!

Also on a side note, I have now lost 11 lbs!!! I am so excited. When I first started this diet I was a little skeptical because I never thought I could stick to it, but it has actually been easy!!! 

Blessing #24- I have an amazing husband who is hard working and also romantic!!!
Blessing #25-My husband has a job that helps provide for our family!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Purse and A Weight Loss Adventure

I thought having a blog would make me write everyday since I'd be on the internet anyways. Apparently not. Well, since I last wrote I have lost almost 10 pounds since I started 25 days ago! I am thrilled! I can tell a little when I look in the mirror and in my waist. Some of my pants are a little loose on me! I hope I can keep this exact weight loss up all the way til' next May!! I will be at my goal weight by then! (I hope!)

On another note, I have finished sewing my first real sewing project!!! I chose to make a purse for my first project. It turned out pretty cute. But one could definitely tell it is my first purse. After some uneven stitching and cutting my purse is complete. I now need to figure out what I will be making next. I'm thinking another purse since I know how to make them now!! A big THANK YOU to my mom who was there every step of the way!!

Blessing #20-I have been blessed with money so I may buy food!
Blessing #21-I have been blessed with the ability to read and write!
Blessing #22-I am blessed with an incredible mother with a great talent for sewing so she can teach me!
Blessing #23-I am VERY blessed to live in a country where women and men can vote and not be dictated

I love the button!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Baking in the Fall is a Very Delicious Adventure!

So, September rolls around, and what do I think of? Baking. MMMMmmmmmm. Delicious! Pumpkin is the only member of the squash family that I can actually stand to eat, and that's because you can make so many delectable yummies with it! I've been on a pumpkin bread kick for 2 days. I've made 6 loaves and they have turned out fantastic!!  I am going to look for more pumpkin recipes to make. So if you have a surefire recipe that makes the mouth water, let me know!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Grocery Shopping, Cat Litter, and Nighttime Work Calls are Definitely Adventures!

See, what happened was.........

Today was a pretty good day. This morning after what seemed like forever trying to get out of the house and  off to the bank, Anna, Lyla, and I went to visit my dad who had the day off of work. On the way we stopped off at Kid 2 Kid in Kennesaw and bought Anna a pair of tinkerbell wings for her Halloween costume. They are super cute by the way! Anyways, we spent some time with my dad (Grandpa, or "ba-ba" if you're Anna.) Then we went home and I left the girls with Mark, (who surprisingly got off work early:) ) and I went grocery shopping.

Then on the way home, Mark calls me and tells me I'm gonna come home to something not fun. I came home to a bathroom smeared with wet and some dry cat litter and cat food.  (thank the lord all the poop was still in the cat litter box!) The tub had sopping wet cat litter all over. What I gather from the pieced together semi-truth from my 2 year old is that she dumped the cat food in the tub, then used the cat food bowl to scoop out the cat litter and play tornado with it and fling it around the room. Again I say thank the Lord that she picked up NO poop and just the semi clean part! Did I mention that Friday nights are family homemade pizza nights? No? Well they are. And I had just bought the fresh peppers and mushrooms to make a supreme pizza for Mark! (I'm still counting calories)

Well, needless to say that pizza did NOT happen tonight for Mark. After about an hour of cleaning and scrubbing the bathroom from top to bottom, we put Lyla to bed, gave Anna a bath, and began reading her a story. After the story, Mark gets a phone call from work saying that he is needed in Acworth. So also needless to say our movie night went out the door when he left for work. AAAHHHH!!!! I am so torn between crying or laughing at the whole situation, so I think I'll just laugh, it's more fun. And it doesn't make your eyes all red and puffy.

So, that's what happened!

Blessing #18- I have the money to go grocery shopping
Blessing #19-I have a WONDERFUL husband who works SO incredibly hard to provide for us!!! I love him so much!!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Folding Laundry is a kind of Adventure...

Today I didn't do much, which is nice. The girls and I went to Target and then we grabbed some lunch. During nap time I worked my butt off letting my Cricut machine cut out 84 1" horshoes for Anna's's so hard letting something else do the work...LOL. Then I folded laundry, did some laundry, and got ready for Relief Society tonight. Not much, but it's times like these that let you relax and think about things.

Blessing # 17- I am blessed with time to relax and enjoy life's little moments.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Successful Adventures

Anna is having great success in the potty training world! She hasn't had any accidents in probably about a week and a couple days. And she is now going #1 and #2 on the potty with no trouble at all. For people out there who aren't mother's, they may not understand how much of an accomplishment this is for a child! And for a mother! So WAY TO GO ANNA!!

Another success that I am having is with my diet that I'm on. All I'm really doing is watching my calories and controlling my portion size using . It has been helping me a lot! I have been on this diet for just 1 day shy of a week and I have already lost 4 pounds!! That is a great success for me! So here's hoping the next couple weeks will be just as successful!!

Blessing #16- I have been blessed with a healthy body.