Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Stressful Adventures

Can I just say AHHHHHHHHHH! Being stressed out is so awful! There are so many things contributing to my stress that I should win an award! I'm thankful for my husband's new job, but they having him work so long that I don't see him til after 9pm and the girls never see him because he's gone before they wake up and back after they go to bed. We have no time together except the weekend. We just got two new kitties who are so adorable and sweet but chasing after them to make sure they don't shred the couch or curtains is tiring and annoying. I need to get a squirt bottle. Potty training is going well, that's a plus, just another thing to focus on . The house always seems to become dirty a day after I clean it. Why is it that bills never just go away by themselves?

Right now I guess it is important to focus on the positive. I have a beautiful family that loves me. I have a home that keeps me warm and safe. I have a car to drive. I have good friends who care about me. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I have been blessed with countless blessings! I read something the other day that has started to help me put things in perspective. "Be not weary in well doing." So I shall try not to be weary.

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