Sunday, January 13, 2013

A New Year means New Adventures!

It has been way WAY too long since I last posted. I guess my brain needed time to adjust after Anna's party and the holidays!

But they were all so much fun! Thanksgiving and Christmas for our family are always so full of great family time because both the hubster and I have our families within at most an hour drive from us! It's so great having our families so close to us. Anna and Lyla get to see their cousin Lana (and sometimes Connor if we're there when he gets off the school bus) every Wednesday. Anna and Lana are only 6 weeks apart so you can imagine the mischief  two 3 year olds get into...well, it's A LOT! But they have great fun together and there is always a craft and food involved so it keeps the craziness down a few notches.

Let me begin with Thanksgiving. There was LOTS of food! We had 3 Thanksgivings! We went to Mark's Grandmothers the Saturday before Thankgiving, and then we went to our sister-in-laws on Thanksgiving as well as my parents house. So lots of family and food!

As for Christmas, we had 4! Again, Christmas at Mark's Grandmothers the Saturday before. Then at his sisters house on Christmas Eve's Eve.  We did have a nice little "journey" dinner on Christmas Eve with our good friends and their 3 munchkins. We ate some delicious King Hawaiian bread and pita bread, different kinds of cheese and meat, pistachios, and some yummy church windows I had made for dessert.

Then on Christmas day I woke up early and made "sticky buns" for breakfast with the help of Miss Monkey Toes herself (Anna). Then we woke up Little Bit (Lyla, which I may refer to them as such from time to time. :) ) We unstuffed our stockings and opened our presents. I must say even though we had a hard year, we were still able to get the girls special things. Santa brought Anna the new Disney movie "Brave" with a "Brave" plastic toy figurine set and we got her the Disney Princess doll collection form Target that included Merida form the movie "Brave" of course. (if you haven't figured it out by now, Anna is obsessed with this movie. she even asked Mark and I for a real bow like Merida's!)
Lyla got a Fisher Price Little People Castle and to this day it is the most played with toy in the Anna! Lol. But Lyla is content to sit by and just watch Anna. She loves her big sis.


After our Christmas morning we drove to my parent's house and had a wonderful Christmas with them and my siblings and their spouses! It was a great Christmas!
My nephew must have found something delicious in his stocking!!

Lyla getting some cuddle time with Ba-Ba

Daddy and Monkey Toes!

New Years Eve was so much fun too! We went to my parent's and had yummy snacks and played games all night! Then we rang in the New Year watching the peach drop! I reall can't believe it is seriously 2013!!! Where on earth did the time go? And why are we still not driving around in cars like on Minority report or even the Jettsons?? I mean seriously, there needs to be a rule that if you live in the year 2013, you have to be driving a space car or something, come on!

On January 3, Lyla turned 9 months so I guess really by now she's about 9 1/2 months old. She has been crawling for a while now but she just started pulling up a few weeks ago and now she is trying to cruise around the house!! I see walking in the near future!!! She is going to be 1 year old in 3 months!! I thought I just gave birth to her, how did she grow up so quickly? And Sunday, January 6th, was Anna's first time in the Sunbeam class in Primary!

My little model HAM!

I did hop back on the diet train after a short derailment during the holidays. I gained a couple pounds back, but have lost them since! So I think I'm back on track to get where I want to be by vacation! (...Hopefully...)

We are excited for our big family trip to Myrtle Beach, SC this year! I booked a big condo across the street from the beach! We went to Myrtle Beach 2 years ago and had a blast! (North Myrtle beach is WAY better  than South just because it's less crowded.) Pictures will definitely be popping up after the vacation!

I am so excited to see what this year brings our family (and maybe a little nervous too!) May the Lord bless everyone this year with good health and sweet memories!

Blessing# 28-I am so very blessed to have family that lives so close to us!
Blessing# 29- I am blessed to have sweet little Lyla-bird to love and cherish and raise...even though she is growing up WAY too fast! And Miss Anna Monkey Toes as well! They are my babies forever!

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