Friday, February 1, 2013

A Toddler, A Baby, and Really Bad Weather Equal an Adventure

This week Anna and I have been kind of in a slump. It has been too cold to go outside for very long lately, so I had to get creative. THANK YOU PINTEREST!!!!! On Tuesday, I filled two gallon sized ziploc bags with some green and purple food coloring then added some shaving cream. I taped up the opening and let Anna go at it mixing the colors into the shaving cream. Then we practiced writing letters with Q-tips on the bags. She had a blast! Then, I though, "while I have the food coloring out, I should teach Anna about rain!" So I got a glass of water, put some shaving cream on top and then added blue food coloring to show Anna how when clouds get to heavy with water droplets, it rain! (good lesson b/c the next day we had REALLY bad storms pass through, but I'll get to that in a minute.) We did the experiment twice and Anna just loved it! She played with the shaving cream baggies on and off the rest of the day.

 Lyla jumping in her jumperoo while we experiment!
 Anna playing dress up.

Well, Tuesday, the weather did a freaky jig and spat out some 70 degree weather so after naptime, Monkey Toes and Little Bit got to have some outside time! Thank you freakishly warm weather! So Anna got to run around a little bit while I took like a gazillion pictures of my girls. But alas, the fun was not to be had for too long. After about 20 minutes it began to rain....grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
                                                                                        Anna found a leaf and wanted it in the picture too!

     Oh the many faces of Monkey Toes and Little Bit!


 Laughing at the silly things sissy was doing.
 Lyla was waving to her sissy! She loves her Anna!

 This is Lyla's serious face.
 Silly faces!
 I was teaching Anna how are Tulips come back every year and that those little green things were the "baby" Tulip. Right after I told her we had to leave them alone so they could grow, what does she do you ask? She picks one! So then I tell her yet again that they won't grow if we pick them, so then she tries to re-plant the poor thing. Lol!

On Wednesday morning we woke up to the weather channel saying we were in for some really bad weather coming from Alabama...thanks Alabama! Anyways, the weather stations were saying tornadoes could pop up, so of course probably 30 min-1 hour after my husband leaves for work, the sirens start going off!!! I get the girls in the basement and set up Lyla's pack-n-play and then get diaper bags, fill up some water bottles, and bring some toys downstairs. I was actually in the process of getting all this stuff together when the siren went off. So we sat on a cot in the basement on and off all day. I blasted the volume on the T.V. so I could here exactly what was going on.  I went upstairs and made Anna and me a picnic lunch to eat in the basement before all the really bad weather hit our area. So during the bad weather, Anna, Lyla, and I sat in the basement watching "Astro Boy" on the kindle while I got updates on where the "red strip" of weather was.(aka- horrible, awful, possibly tornado weather) Finally around 3 or 4 pm, we came out of the basement for good. It's times like these when I think that the "storm" section of our basement needs to be more organized!! I am so thankful the Lord kept us and all our loved ones safe! I pray for those families who lost their homes and the 1 person who lost their life in Adairsville. 

After the storms

Blessing #30-I am blessed to have a roof over my head (especially one with a basement!)
Blessing #31- I am blessed to have my family safe from harm!